PostgreSQL 17 preview - 内置块级别物理增量备份(INCREMENTAL backup/pg_combinebackup)功能

Fri Dec 22, 2023

900 Words|Read in about 4 Min


大实例备份最头痛的几个问题: 备份耗费空间大, 备份耗时, 中间任何原因导致备份失败重来的代价高昂.

PostgreSQL 17 内置块级别物理增量备份(INCREMENTAL backup/pg_combinebackup)功能, 之前可以通过pg probackup, pg_rman, zfs来实现类似功能.

- 《PostgreSQL ptrack , pg_rman , 块级增量备份》
- 《PostgreSQL 最佳实践 - pg_rman 数据库恢复示例 与 软件限制解说》
- 《PostgreSQL 最佳实践 - pg_rman 以standby为源的备份浅析》
- 《PostgreSQL 最佳实践 - 块级别增量备份(pg_rman baseon LSN)源码浅析与使用》

- 《如何创建RDS PG 的秒级 flashback闪回实例, 实时容灾实例 - zfs - snapshot - clone - standby - compress》
- 《PostgreSQL 最佳实践 - 块级增量备份(ZFS篇)验证 - recovery test script for zfs snapshot clone + postgresql stream replication + archive》
- 《PostgreSQL 最佳实践 - 块级增量备份(ZFS篇)双机HA与块级备份部署》
- 《PostgreSQL 最佳实践 - 块级增量备份(ZFS篇)单个数据库采用多个zfs卷(如表空间)时如何一致性备份》
- 《PostgreSQL 最佳实践 - 块级增量备份(ZFS篇)备份集有效性自动校验》
- 《PostgreSQL 最佳实践 - 块级增量备份(ZFS篇)方案与实战》

PostgreSQL 17内置块级别物理增量备份(INCREMENTAL backup/pg_combinebackup)功能

1、Add a new WAL summarizer process. 启动后, 自动生成wal summarize信息. 记录在一段WAL日志的内容中, 文件大小的变化(新建? 大小?). 哪些block发生了变化, 需要被更新或需要删除?

lsn范围, 以及对应每个文件(relation)的统计信息:
- 被创建或销毁的文件(relation)
- 文件(relation)缩小至某个值
- 无效块号
- 文件(relation)中被修改过的blocks id (不记录被truncate但是后面没有被修改过的blocks id).

WAL summarizer文件存储位置:


每个 summary file 包含的信息:
- 1、certain range of LSNs on a certain TLI.
- 2、For each relation, it stores :
- 2.1、a “limit block” which is 0(文件被创建或销毁) if a relation is created or destroyed withina certain range of WAL records,
- 2.2、or otherwise the shortest length(文件缩小至某个值) to which the relation was truncated during that range of WAL records,
- 2.3、or otherwise InvalidBlockNumber(无效块号).
- 2.4、In addition, it stores a list of blocks which have been modified during that range of WAL records, (被修改过的blocks id). but excluding blocks which were removed by truncation after they were modified and never subsequently modified again. (不记录被truncate并且后面没有被修改过的blocks id);a=commit;h=174c480508ac25568561443e6d4a82d5c1103487

Add a new WAL summarizer process.  
author	Robert Haas <>	  
Wed, 20 Dec 2023 13:41:09 +0000 (08:41 -0500)  
committer	Robert Haas <>	  
Wed, 20 Dec 2023 13:42:28 +0000 (08:42 -0500)  
commit	174c480508ac25568561443e6d4a82d5c1103487  
tree	f42caba7a5f9a468e927107a58406a28a9f28ef2	tree  
parent	00498b718564cee3530b76d860b328718aed672b	commit | diff  
Add a new WAL summarizer process.  
When active, this process writes WAL summary files to  
$PGDATA/pg_wal/summaries. Each summary file contains information for a  
certain range of LSNs on a certain TLI. For each relation, it stores a  
"limit block" which is 0 if a relation is created or destroyed within  
a certain range of WAL records, or otherwise the shortest length to  
which the relation was truncated during that range of WAL records, or  
otherwise InvalidBlockNumber. In addition, it stores a list of blocks  
which have been modified during that range of WAL records, but  
excluding blocks which were removed by truncation after they were  
modified and never subsequently modified again.  
In other words, it tells us which blocks need to copied in case of an  
incremental backup covering that range of WAL records. But this  
doesn't yet add the capability to actually perform an incremental  
backup; the next patch will do that.  
A new parameter summarize_wal enables or disables this new background  
process.  The background process also automatically deletes summary  
files that are older than wal_summarize_keep_time, if that parameter  
has a non-zero value and the summarizer is configured to run.  
Patch by me, with some design help from Dilip Kumar and Andres Freund.  
Reviewed by Matthias van de Meent, Dilip Kumar, Jakub Wartak, Peter  
Eisentraut, and Álvaro Herrera.  

- summarize_wal: 是否启动wal summarize. 主从库都可以启动wal summarize.
- wal_summary_keep_time: 保留的wal summary文件的时长. 默认10天.

2、pg_basebackup 支持增量备份, pg_combinebackup支持增量备份级的合并.

pg_basebackup --incremental=PATH_TO_MANIFEST  


pg_combinebackup 将一个全量备份+一个或多个增量备份合并为一个全新的全量备份.;a=commit;h=dc212340058b4e7ecfc5a7a81ec50e7a207bf288

Add support for incremental backup.  
author	Robert Haas <>	  
Wed, 20 Dec 2023 14:49:12 +0000 (09:49 -0500)  
committer	Robert Haas <>	  
Wed, 20 Dec 2023 14:49:12 +0000 (09:49 -0500)  
commit	dc212340058b4e7ecfc5a7a81ec50e7a207bf288  
tree	79ffec15f6a8d9fce1333b99dd0b587e2459d38f	tree  
parent	174c480508ac25568561443e6d4a82d5c1103487	commit | diff  
Add support for incremental backup.  
To take an incremental backup, you use the new replication command  
UPLOAD_MANIFEST to upload the manifest for the prior backup. This  
prior backup could either be a full backup or another incremental  
backup.  You then use BASE_BACKUP with the INCREMENTAL option to take  
the backup.  pg_basebackup now has an --incremental=PATH_TO_MANIFEST  
option to trigger this behavior.  
An incremental backup is like a regular full backup except that  
some relation files are replaced with files with names like  
INCREMENTAL.${ORIGINAL_NAME}, and the backup_label file contains  
additional lines identifying it as an incremental backup. The new  
pg_combinebackup tool can be used to reconstruct a data directory  
from a full backup and a series of incremental backups.  
Patch by me.  Reviewed by Matthias van de Meent, Dilip Kumar, Jakub  
Wartak, Peter Eisentraut, and Álvaro Herrera. Thanks especially to  
Jakub for incredibly helpful and extensive testing.  


pg_combinebackup 参考:

3、为了支持增量备份, 流复制协议的修改如下:

- Uploads a backup manifest in preparation for taking an incremental backup.

BASE_BACKUP [ ( option [, ...] ) ]

  • Instructs the server to start streaming a base backup. The system will automatically be put in backup mode before the backup is started, and taken out of it when the backup is complete. The following options are accepted:

    • Requests an incremental backup. The UPLOAD_MANIFEST command must be executed before running a base backup with this option.


就算你的数据块数据没有变化, 由于PG使用32位的xid, 所以需要vacuum freeze, freeze就会修改tuple head, 导致数据块发生变化.

记得我之前写过vacuum freeze/vacuum风暴?
- 《PostgreSQL Freeze 风暴预测续 - 珍藏级SQL》
- 《PostgreSQL freeze 风暴导致的IOPS飙升 - 事后追溯》
- 《PostgreSQL的”天气预报” - 如何预测Freeze IO风暴》

当增量备份遇到freeze, 你可能会遇到增量备份风暴.

See Also

Fri Dec 22, 2023

900 Words|Read in about 4 Min